The exclusive: New information seems to cast doubt on the existence of 64GB RAM options for the upcoming MacBook Pro models, a ‘downgrade’ compared to current configuration options for Intel models, AppleTrack has learned.
- 16GB of RAM will be standard on the 16-inch MacBook Pro as it is now, but we believe there may not be a 64GB RAM option as has been suggested by other sources
- Apple allows current 16-inch MacBook Pros powered by Intel to be configured with 16, 32, or 64GB of RAM
Luke Miani’s take: This is a weird one folks. It seems odd that Apple would remove the option to upgrade to 64GB of RAM, and other sources have suggested that the option will remain…but the information we have received and verified indicates that 16 and 32GB will be the only options for the new machines. While this may disappoint some, I have to wonder if low demand for the more expensive $800 option for 64GB RAM contributed to Apple’s decision making here.